Learn how the
program works
Step 1
Sign-up for Constant Health
The first step is always the hardest, but you're on the brink of taking it!

We've streamlined the process for you, offering not only two convenient payment options but also a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee*.

When you sign up and invest in your health, you're doing more than just buying a program; you're unlocking a realm of tailored guidance and expertise.

Dive in with confidence!
You've indicated interest in using medication. Click here to change your response.
Most flexible
Most popular
Cost of program
Single payment
If you have private insurance that includes dietetic services, some or all of the program will be covered with this option
Single 10% off
For 3 months ($750 total)
Only $7.14/day
Only $6.47/day
Cost of appointments
with prescriber
$40per session1,2
1Appointments are booked as needed and paid per service. Typically, 2-3 sessions with an expert prescriber are required during the 15-week program. 2Does not include cost of medication.
We're so confident that you're going to love the support and guidance from our team that we'll give any first time client a 100% refund if you’re not fully satisfied within 14 days of your first appointment.
Step 2
Craft Your Unique Health Blueprint
By understanding your unique health, weight loss history, and eating patterns, we create a transformative experience tailored just for you.

Start by completing our Weight and Lifestyle Inventory (WALI). Then, with our cutting-edge app, we continuously gather insights into your health habits.

Every piece of data, whether it's a success or a challenge, helps us refine your tailored program alongside your dedicated dietitian and NP team.

Remember, data is our compass for growth, not judgment
Step 3
Understand how your team works together
prescriber or
Registered Dietitian interaction
The relationship  between you, your dietitian, and prescriber continues for the duration of the program-all connected via the app.
Icon representing a person.
Continuously gather data to share what's working, what's not, and any potential side effects from medication
Writes or updates GLP1 prescription specific to you
Icon of  badge showing qualification.
Registered Dietitian
Collaboratively create goals, habit experiments, and review data to ensure maximum long term benefits
This is some text inside of a div block.
Icon showing medical kit
Writes or updates GLP1 prescription specific to you
Icon representing a person.
Continuously gather data to share what's working, what's not, and any potential side effects from medication
Icon of  badge showing qualification.
Registered Dietitian
Collaboratively create goals, habit experiments, and review data to ensure maximum long term benefits
Icon representing a person.
Icon of  badge showing qualification.
You and
 your dietitian
  • Initial meeting to make sure you're a good candidate for medication and the program
  • 5 hours of one-on-one time and in -between appointment messaging
  • Helps habit formation to maximize prescription benefits
Icon representing a person.
You and
 your prescriber
  • Reviews bloodwork to ensure correct starting dosage
  • Prescribes + meets with you on as-needed basis (likely every 2-8 weeks)
  • Helps manage symptoms once prescribed
Icon representing a person.
Icon of  badge showing qualification.
You, your dietitian,
 and your prescriber
  • Like the three musketeers, the three  of you work as a team to ensure optimal outcomes, while mitigating any potential side effects

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to work with your prescribers, or can I get the prescription from my doctor?

We have hundreds of clients who get their prescription through their family doctor. We offer our prescribers to those who are either unable to access a family doctor or who, despite your meeting medical criteria for their use, are not willing to prescribe anti-obesity medications.

Is there anything else I should consider about these medications’ usage?

Yes, as with any medication, how a person responds is unique. Meaning if you try thesemedications and don’t find them to be effective, you’ll stop them. Similarly,if you try these medications and develop side effects that don’t go away overtime, you’ll stop them. The only way you would continue with these (or any)medications would be if you decide that they were effective and withouttroublesome side effects.

Are there people who absolutely should not take this medication?

Yes, people who have a history of medullary thyroid cancer, people trying to conceive a child, and people who are breast feeding.

Are there long-term risks to these medications?

As noted, they have been used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes since the early 2000s so there is unlikely to be any surprising unknown risks. As far as risk goes, there are reported rare risks of pancreatitis and a slowing of stomach emptying. As far as long-term benefits go, these medications, consequent to their impact on weight, help to reduce the burden of many weight responsive medical conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea as well as reducing the mechanical load bearing on painful joints. These drugs are currently being investigated for their ability to reduce the risk of heart disease, kidney disease and dementia as they appear to be helpful with all three. We also know from patients who have had bariatric surgery that cancer risk lowers with sustained weight loss for some of our most common cancers including breast, colon, and uterine cancer.

How are these medications administered?

Currently these medications are self-administered at home by way of a needle thinner than a human hair and only 4mm long.

Does a person’s diet influence how well these medications work?

Yes. Think of these medications as amplifiers. Just as with a stereo system, if you have a great amplifier with a strong signal you’ll have great sound coming out of your speakers. But even with a great amplifier, if the signal is weak or choppy, the sound will be poor. What these drugs amplify are the body’s own fullness queues and so diets organized to maximize fullness will see these drugs work more effectively.

What sorts of side effects are associated with these medications?

The primary side effects with GLP1 analogues tend to be gastrointestinal. Symptoms may include constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, and nausea.. The most common side effect is nausea. The good news is that these side effects are either easily managed or dissipate over time. The primary side effect leading to the cessation of these medications is persistent nausea but this only happens in about 2% of patients.

How long do these medications need to be taken?

As with any chronic condition treated with medication, if the medication is stopped there’s a very strong likelihood that the condition it was treating will recur. While some patients may affect changes to their lives that allow them to either decrease these medications’ dosages or stop them altogether, the expectation should be that they will be needed on a long term basis.

How much do these medications cost?

Cost will vary depending on if you have coverage under your private health insurance and what pharmacy is dispensing the medication, but assuming you don’t have any type of coverage you should expect to pay between $250-$350/month.

How do they work in the body?

We’ve been using  GLP-1 analogues in the treatment of type 2 diabetes since the early 2000s. In patients with diabetes ,these medications help them produce and utilize insulin more efficiently. We’ve been GLP-1analogues  for slightly less time in the treatment of obesity but we know that  when these medications bind to receptor cells in the brain, they can influence the appetite control centre and people typically experience decreased hunger, decreased cravings, and a more rapid feeling of fullness.

What type of medication are Ozempic and Saxenda?

Ozempic and saxenda are GLP-1 analogues. They mimic the body’s own hormone, glucagon-like peptide 1 which is produced by our intestines when there is food in our stomachs.

Will I need to buy any special foods or supplements?

No! We will never ask you to buy any special foods or supplements. You may want to update your shopping list after some of our discussions but your food choices will always be up to you.

What diet will I have to follow?

None. If you are interested in a certain dietary protocol such as Intermittent Fasting or the Ketogenic diet we can work together to implement this safely and sustainably into your daily routine. However, most of our clients don’t choose to follow a diet, they choose to find ways of eating that feel comfortable, reduce hunger, and support them in meeting their health goals.

What topics will be covered?

Each program is tailored to individual needs and requests, so we can cover a wide range of topics. Here are a few of the most common themes discussed during our sessions:

Popular topics
  • Weight management: Whether you are working towards weight loss or weight maintenance, energy balance matters. However you choose to eat, we will work to discover what that balance looks like for you. ‍
  • Managing hunger and cravings: Battling against intense hunger and cravings is one of the biggest roadblocks to losing and maintaining weight. What if rather than white-knuckling it you found a way to minimize and maybe even eliminate cravings? Work with our team to identify patterns, triggers and trends in your hunger and cravings and begin to experiment with strategies and tools designed to minimize and respond to them.‍
  • Health metrics: Weight can impact our health so if you have been diagnosed with conditions such as type 2 diabetes, GERD,  elevated cholesterol or blood pressure and want to learn how diet and lifestyle changes could help, let us know. We will dive into your own data together and discover what strategies may be helpful before collecting evidence to prove or disprove your hypothesis.‍
  • Diet protocols: There are many evidence based diet protocols published: Mediterranean, DASH, Ketogenic, and Intermittent Fasting, to name a few! Many find benefit from following these guidelines and others pick and choose key aspects that work for them. If you are interested in exploring a specific diet let us know and we can explore that in more detail together.‍
  • Plant based eating: Whether you want to introduce meat free Monday, or you are looking to build your plant-based recipe repertoire, or you are considering a transition to a pescatarian, vegetarian, or vegan lifestyle; work with your dietitian to find an approach that is both appealing, healthy, and sustainable for you!
Does meal timing impact your weight?
  • Intermittent fasting:Alternate day, modified, or time restricted fasting are all popular subject areas. Want to know more about the evidence and be able to separate the facts from fiction, or test out a different approach to eating to see if it’s the right fit for you?‍
  • Eating around shift work: If you don’t work 9-5, meal timing, planning, and preparation can be challenging. Find a way of eating that gives you the energy you need, when you need it!‍
  • Breakfast: Is it really the most important meal of the day? If you don’t wake up hungry is there any benefit to eating breakfast?‍
  • Meal planning and prep: Look at different approaches to meal planning and preparation to help you meet your health goals.‍
  • Sports nutrition: from planning for a long hike to the most effective way to fuel for your training session. Explore the world of sports nutrition and how different dietary strategies can help you get the most out of your workouts.‍
  • Superfoods: Antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes, and healthy bacteria. Is there really such a thing as a superfood?‍
  • Detox diets: Do you need to detox? Review the evidence to see if it’s even possible to go on a detox diet!‍
  • Nutrition and ageing: Learn about the different dietary factors that can help to protect your health as you age.‍
  • Allergies and intolerances: If you have been diagnosed with a food allergy or you're interested in food allergy testing let us know. We can discover what dietary factors you may need to consider when eliminating foods from your diet, to top tips when grocery shopping including ways to avoid cross contamination.‍
  • Digestive health: Learn more about the relationship between food, lifestyle factors and our digestive tract!‍
  • Probiotics/prebiotics: What are they, how do they differ and should you be taking one?‍
  • IBS: learn how to prevent or minimize symptoms and identify trigger foods.‍
  • Mindful eating: You might have heard of eating mindfully but what does it really mean? Explore and experiment with techniques of mindful eating to see if they benefit you.‍
  • Saving money: Explore ways to not only save money on your food bills but also minimize waste.‍
  • Supplements: What are the benefits and should you be taking any?‍
  • Caffeine: It may be your wake-up warrior…learn if the caffeinated drinks in your diet are impacting  your health.‍
  • Eating Out and Socializing: Meeting up for a potluck, having drinks with friends or eating at your favourite restaurant; these eating experiences can be challenging when you are looking at the way you eat to meet your health goals. Discuss different strategies you could try to both enjoy these occasions and prevent weight gain.

If you have questions beyond these subjects, we want to know. Our clinicians have a wealth of clinical experience and want to hear what is most important to you.

What will happen during each appointment?

At Constant Health you're always in the driver's seat while we're in the passenger's seat to help guide you! We connect directly through your smartphone or tablet. During your appointments we will always set an agenda, this may sound a little formal but it ensures that we are always focusing on topics or issues that are at the top of your priority list and most relevant to you. We will review what’s working well and what might be more challenging and create experiments designed to identify new helpful strategies and support you in building new habits.

If you want to focus on a certain topic let us know and we can review the evidence together and discover ways to translate the science to real life!

What makes Constant Health unique?

Constant Health is the only program of its kind in Canada. Our service was designed with equal focus on both behavioural and medical science to support you in forming long lasting behaviours and habits that help lead you to your health and lifestyle goals. Each person who joins our program has a unique journey customized to their needs and diet preferences. 

You will receive over 5 hours of direct support from our team of registered dietitians trained in both nutrition science and behaviour change. Our clinicians specialize in supporting clients with weight loss and chronic disease management. 

Our technology is designed to be a tool that can be customized to each user's needs and diet preferences that not only supports your journey between appointments, but allows us to have interactive sessions in which we can review data specific to you and develop strategies that are designed to help you on your journey.

Why do you recommend food tracking?

This is a bit of a long one, so we made a video for you. See intro to food tracking for more information.

Will I need to weigh myself?

No, the choice will be yours! Weight is just one more data point that can help us understand if we are headed in the direction you want to go. Scales measure the gravitational pull of the earth at a given moment in time - nothing else. The number on the scale has no relationship to what type of person you are, your health or your own self worth. We appreciate that for some people stepping on the scale can have an adverse reaction to their motivation, mood or confidence. That is why we also focus on other non-scale measures like strength, stamina, consistency, health metrics, or simply how your pants are fitting!

What does a dietitian do?

Dietitians translate the science of nutrition into real life and work with you to uncover the amazing benefits that food has to offer. Dietitians are registered professionals and hold a protected title, this means they only work with evidence based information. Dietitians will help guide you through the sea of myths and polarized advice to discover how your diet can really affect you. Rather than fitting yourself into a pre-made rigid diet, they will help you to create a tailor made, flexible approach that is designed specifically for you. This means they consider your health, your schedule and your preferences to address your own challenges. 

Our teams’  knowledge doesn’t stop at nutrition; Constant Health dietitians receive ongoing training from our Director of Clinical Product and Behavioral Science, Dr. Segal, C.Psych to utilize principles of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and behaviour change science to not only guide you through information, but to discover sustainable ways to implement change, navigate roadblocks, form and most importantly maintain new habits.

Click here if you want to learn more about what dietitians do.

Want to know more?

If you are interested in learning more about Constant Health check out our blog, social media, and Youtube channel:

Of course you can also email us, info@constanthealth.ca, and we'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

Will I be given a meal plan?

No we don’t use meal plans, but this is a question we get asked a lot! 

We don’t believe in handing out food plans for several reasons:

  • To say they are restrictive is an understatement- It's a prescriptive way of eating that dictates what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat it. That sounds pretty miserable to us!
  • They don’t last - Clinical practice shows that following food plans are often a temporary intervention and they rarely to lead to sustainable change. 
  • There is no one size fits all - We don’t know what will work for you… yet! Constant Health is designed to help you find out what works for you; following a prescriptive meal plan eliminates opportunities to gather real life data and prevents us from understanding the challenges that are unique to you and can actually hinder long lasting change. 

Many of our clients are looking for inspiration; with that in mind we designed our recipes feature to support menu planning for individuals or even large families!  Here you will be able to filter our extensive recipe library to find meals and snacks that meet your own likes and preferences, save your favourites, add your own family favourites, and connect with the Constant Health community for recipe tips and tricks! We think this is a much better option than a meal plan - we hope you agree!

Can I continue with Constant Health when the program is over?

We would love to keep working with you! We hope, just like you wouldn’t stop brushing your teeth after you see the dentist, that you continue to practice the skills you’ve started to develop while participating in our program. Behaviour change is about progress, not perfection; we’ve designed our follow-up program, Relapse Prevention, to make sure that you continue to progress. 

Relapse Prevention is designed to offer you as much support as you need, when you need it. Whether you want to work on your own to set experiments, continue to work regularly with your dietitian to both practice and learn new skills, or to have a quick check in when you need a booster session; we’ve got a model that will fit your needs.

How much time will this take?

Great question! The answer will vary between each client. The very minimum time required to undertake this program is ~6 hours to attend appointments;however, we know it is almost impossible to form long lasting habits in 6 hours! If you are hoping to discover lifestyle changes and health habits that support you to make lasting changes we suggest being able to dedicate at least 30 minutes each day throughout the program.

I have a holiday planned during the program. Will I have to diet when I am away?

No, your food choices will always be your own! Many may aim for weight maintenance while on holiday to allow for more flexibility while still keeping some structure to maintain or develop new habits. Others plan to approach vacations differently. Holidays and celebrations will always be part of life and part of our job is to help teach you strategies to ensure that you still enjoy yourself.

Have more questions? Please visit our full FAQ.
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